Gekås Ullared
Here you will find information, inspiration and news both from Gekås Ullared, visitors and customers. Gekås and Ullared hauls and vlogs are linked from other YouTube accounts and Gekås Ullared is not behind any opinions that deviate from Gekås’ own policies and guidelines.
This live stream shows up you a diagram of the dynamic Gekås Ullared AB, a superstore inside the town of Ullared, Sweden. Gekås is the greatest store in Scandinavia, well known for its moo costs. It was set up in 1963 and right presently covers a store run of over 30,000 m2 (320,000 sq ft), moreover a 50,000 m2 (540,000 sq ft) capacity zone in Ullared, publicizing a wide run of things. Visitors from all over Sweden come to this small town to buy at Gekås, which has generally 4.5 million clients each year!