Catherine Square, Odessa
This Live Webcam Stream appears the Catherine Square – Katerynyns’ka Square as well known as the Point of interest to Catherine II the Uncommon – the originators of Odessa, found in Ekaterininskaya Square, inside the city center of Odessa, Ukraine. The centrepiece of the point of interest, built in 1900, is the statue of Catherine the 2nd, Majestic of Russia. The four figures underneath talks to Catherine’s companions – the Spanish military José de Ribas, François Sainte de Wollant, one of the builders of Odessa and Odessa Harbor, Ruler Platon Zubov and Grigory Potemkin, a Russian military pioneer. Noteworthy buildings lodging motels and establishments envelop the square. Appreciate this dazzling find of Odessa, with the sea inside the establishment!